Bribery and Corruption by Location and GLOBAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING
September 2018
Client(s): Thomson Reuters Market Development, Risk and RegTech, Asia
Project: n/a
Tools: D3, Adobe Creative Cloud
Categories: Static, Image, Corporate, Large-screen display
Note: This project was undertaken during time spent working in the Thomson Reuters Labs.
Created while working in Thomson Reuter’s global Innovation Labs network, this piece was designed for use at two World Economic Forum conferences held in Hanoi, Vietnam and New York during September 2018.
I was approached by colleagues based in Singapore and Zurich to produced a set of images for use in Q&A panel discussion sessions held on the topics of bribery & corruption, anti money laundering and human trafficking. These images needed to be high-resolution, simple for audience understanding and were to be presented on a large screen display. Data were sourced from World-Check Risk Intelligence as well the 2018 Transparency Internationals Corruption Perception Index.