May 2020
Client(s): n/a
Project: Empires
Tools: Adobe Creative Cloud, D3
Categories: Interactive, Prototype
This visualisation was a complex prototype visual created while working at Aleph Insights, and leant upon the functionality and user experience offered by the D3 context-focus style interactive chart. Note thought that being a prototype visualisation, it makes use of dummy dataset, thus the geometries created to represent each individual global empire are not truly representative of the population changes seen in each empire considered.
This version offers users the ability to sort individual empires based on their start date, length of existence (duration) of empire, by residing continent and also by continent and start date combined. Her is provided with dedicated SVG icon controls at the head on the focus’ chart element to apply these changes as needed. Examples of each sort mechanism applied are shown below.
Users may also visualise individual empires as outline polygons with vertical markers indicating their population peaks, or just these population markers them themselves in isolation.
Users map also display empires that only exist within particular continents. The visualisation provides a set of boolean-style display buttons at the head of the page allowing users to hide or show empires of each continental mass. As each successive continent is selected [deselected] the lower ‘focus’ element of the chart will resize to accommodate only those empires that remain visible to the user.
Users may then ‘Show All’ empires simultaneously by pressing the ‘Show All’ button.