EU Productivity INteractive Dashboard

Mapping the multiple domains of EU ProduCtivity, 2007 to 2016

February 2019

Client(s): n/a

Project: n/a

Tools: D3, Adobe Creative Cloud

Categories: Interactive, Prototype, Dashboard, Personal


This was a sprint project, requested by a London-based design agency. The remit was to design a interactive dashboard using data provided by the agency, and understand what could be produced in the length of a typical working day.

Due to this time constraint, I focused on the functionality included in the piece, and ensuring that each individual visual panel coded and built on the interface presented the correct data whenever the user interacted with it. On projects similar to this I typically focus on ensuring the functionality works - even more important when there are multiple inter-linked visual components (e.g. a map, bar chart and time line as included in this piece) - and the data is presented correctly and concisely, and ensuring the user accessibility and interaction is the best it can be.

Had I be given a second day to work on this, I would have focused more on the design as this can be adapted more rapidly than complex code.

Screenshot 2019-03-28 at 13.10.41.png
Screenshot 2019-03-28 at 13.13.10.png