Project: Population Projection Dot Plot
On selecting the dot plot to display population projections with the user is presented with a regional breakdown of the population by discrete age bands.
Demo video of Population Projections dot plot
Initial dot plot chart view on selecting this means to view UK population projections data. Data points displayed as a percentage of entire UK population.
Chart transitions to updated view of population projections. Data points displayed as a percentage of individual region’s population. Transitioning initiated via boxed arrows icon to right-end of x-axis.
Chart ordering updated via transitioning to sort geographic regions. Y-axis ordering now based on their percentage contribution of their ‘67 and over’ population to the UK population in 2019.
Chart still ordered by contribution of regional ‘67 and over’ population, presenting data for the data year 2040.
User has ability to simultaneously hide or show all data points via the “Select All Age bands” button to the right of the main chart.
Users can interrogate data values on each ‘Region’ line by hovering over the relevant y-axis region name label they want to investigate.
Users also have the option to display only those data points that are currently displayed; to achieve this select the “Display Selected Statistics” button to the lower end of the dynamic legend. Users can select this same button again to revert back to displaying all statistics on teh tooltip, regardless if they are physically displayed on the chart or not.
Here user has merged specific adjacent age bands together via the dynamic legend positioned on the right-hand side of the main chart. Users may only merge adjacent age bands; to separate already merged age groups, simply double click on the consolidate colour box on legend to separate it out into its component individual age bands and to display once again the related data points on the chart.
The ‘Sort By’ selection list has also automatically updated to list just those criteria now available to sort the data chart on via the y-axis.